Hey, I am a bird!

High above the ground, I fly. I am a bird. My imprisoned soul is now free. Now I don’t sense the hideous bars that had caged me. I scrutinize here and there, but I find no one. There’s nobody.

Above, there’s a clear blue sky.

There’s a pool of freedom around me, but an ocean inside.

I fly high.

I hover. Oh, I feel my flapping feathers. Oh, there’s a smile on my face. Damn, there’s a ring of joy. I feel it. This arrow directly hits my soul and penetrates it. My goodness, happiness outbursts. It comes out of me, surrounds me and tries to spread along every possible direction. I fly a bit high.

There’s a sense of calmness. I don’t stop. I reach the summit, jump from one to another. I move ahead. I strive for more.

  There’s cold coming. My feathers smile; they can cover me now. Their warmth provides me the wrath. I go forward. There’s a smiley face high above, smiling at me. O, that’s the sun. I smile back and forge to reach him. Dammit, I can’t, it’s freaking hot. Some things aren't  meant to get close to, just appreciate from far. I hear a voice. It’s the cloud. I bid goodbye to the sun and fly down to the cloud.

I sit on him. Holy, I could sit on forever. We dance together, we laugh, we make weird moves. Who cares? Pushing him makes the rain fall. The raindrop, in a blink, disappears. I follow him. Woho, I am falling freely. Something is attracting me. I fall on a tree. It makes me feel sing. My chirping gathers the attention of all the trees there. They listen to me quietly. They all are joyous, swinging back and forth, clapping, whistling.

All of a sudden, wind starts blowing. It just grabs my collar and takes me with him. We reach at a large meadow. My my… the stillness persuades me. The openness makes me hover again and again. I start flying from the corner. And there, I see some tiny creatures at the middle of meadow. I fly near.

Woho, wohoo, wohooo… there’s a flock of birds. They see me and wave. God, I am howling. My excitement exceeds the limit. I hug them and there’s a whole new environment. We talk, we laugh, we sing, we dance, we howl. We are weirdo.

And, we fly again. We fly high: high above the hills, high above the mountains, deep inside the soul. We fly into the solace. We fly sharing our happiness. We fly on and on.

An appeal From the Tomb

Every nationalism is jingoism and all nationalists are xenophobes.

Everyone or if not most of you may snatch away the felicitation from this burial and instead commence a vituperation, if I utter these expressions making them audible to you. But, what can I do? or what is possible to be done? nothing! friends, nothing at all!

An endless prosecution may continue against me and the labellings of ‘inhuman’, ‘criminal’ ‘corrupted one’, ‘terrorist’, ‘anarchist’ and many more stimulative derrogations may rise with the persistent loathings around my tombstone. But please do look at me! look at my condition. Perceive this cemetery where you bow down and offer the flowers once a year. Behold my corpse, which you use to inject the same venom onto the new comers, the same old lie ‘dulce at decorum est. Yes, that absolute lie as told by Owen, witnessed by my experience whom you call a martyr.

‘die for the nation to live for the eternity in every hearts, minds and commemorations’. This incarceration though gold-plated, stands as the quintessence of being a human. A blind nationalist always stinks with this miasma with his beautiful shell of great ideals and locutions. Look! what a nonsense, the humanity is treated inferior to nationality.

The leader finds thousand and one ways to hammer in the idealism of dedication and sacrifice which can be manipulated and enslaved to prolong the animalistic quality of power hungry attitude to be seated on a pedestal on the top. Yes, the very witness is talking to you in reference to his experiences of getting scapegoated. First, tell me, Please! tell me, where can you find the line of demarcation or dissociation in the whole planet besides in the map. Tell me, where ends India and starts Pakistan? Tell me, where begins Asia leaving back the Europe? Where? Where? Please! Do tell, answer me, because I was one of those who bit the dust by your imposed lessons of ‘die for the nation’ and ‘nationality ought not to be relinquished or even forfeited even if a gori Holi is to be organized.

So, you must show me the real and existential boundaries or the area of separation made by your ‘God’ under whose approval, you assert is making you to partake in your supposed Jihad and consequently makes you victorious in the armageddon. Please! I request you to show me the permanent territory of Korea and guide me through the original limit of Germany. Nothing much, but just create a bunfire of all your maps and seek for the actual line of isolation. And remember once again, I have every authority to demand because this very madness instilled in my blood and bones made me to combat for the virtual nationality which I now discover was a mirage and a greatest delusion.

‘die for the nation’, this vulgarity you might have eaten thousands of times and digested too. But, has anyone told you ‘live for the nation?’ no, my friends! absolutely not! Who wants the development or progress of the world. If they talk about transformations and development too, they want your nation to stand at first winning over all other remaining areas. If they tell you to live too, they are making you strong or moreover a lifeless robot to stand in the firstline to give them an interesting horror movie out of which they can have a beautiful timepass.

As a member of armed force, you are identified by your number tags. Look at such dehumanizations. If you die, nothing happens, just a number tag becomes no longer able to battle and therefore a replacement is needed. Fi over those cunningness and betrayals. When you say that you would be ready to die for the shake of your nationality, you don’t know what you are saying. You are saying that I prioritize illusion over reality, destruction over creativity, violence over peace and death over life. Don’t you feel ashamed to advocate peace, prosperity, serenity and stability under the foundation of violence? Can war and peace coexist? Have you ever seen polar opposites meeting? yeah, they can be merged in logics and treated as complementaries but life exists beyond philosophies and intellects.

From inside my coffin, I strongly oppose it and time and again repeat the same thing that ‘humanity can never be greater to nationality.’ Please! don’t blunder much to protect outward vanity in the name of glory or identity at the expense of human life which can never be compromised for anything. But we are the people with multiple disability if subtly examined. Psychopathology of inferiority complexes, ego gratifications can provide us any platform to burst out and exhibit our bruteness. Thus enabling us to commit a suicide or if not a homicide with a beautiful exterior labelling. It’ll continue with all the way it happened with me. Humanity will continue to slaughter one another just in the name of a certain principles it developed. What a pity. you die hanged on the chains created by you and still don’t stop it calling a victory and those chains as ornaments. But let this wretched soul from his sepulcher repeat and pray that nationality is not and can never be greater to humanity.

Have you ever thought? perhaps not. Because, you have already forgotten thinking. You know-not what, how and why to think. Mechanical broiler life is your comfort which you never wanna lose. But let me ask you to think though you won’t. The nation and nationality or such splits are diplomatic ways to say that you are great and you are the best. The only thing is that you can’t directly expose your feeling of superiority. Hence, you need a hanger to tie up your pride. And, ask yourself, what you got out of it? Why this horror movie never makes you fade up?

Why a temptation towards acrimoniousness? why do you want to create fake enemies and indulge in the savageness instigating all? everyonesays my nation is great. Duh fools! can you never interrogate back that which is the best? position is one and claims are of all. Can you never see the stupidity of such contentions? But no! You won’t, as I too didn’t when I was the person like you. You always glorify such areas and record in your history which is again needed to butcher the upcoming generations and perpetuate this bloody game advocating the ideals like equality, independence, peace, stability and all fake promises to let you have contact with horizon in its solid form.

With negligible hope that you may read or listen to me, I lastly request you all to wipe out the marks and erase the dusts gathered. Let the lines stained by ichor be cleansed and no signs of antagonism towards other people or supposed nations to last further. Let universalization come and let my ghost to rest peacefully. Let me reveal you a secret that all those temptations about heaven and frights about hell told to you are fallacious. I am narrating you my experiences that when I was taken to purgatory, the God didn’t let me in and instead felt me even misfit to the hell.

Therefore, I have become a wanderous spirit with all anguishes and torments in myself not even being able to repent my mistakes which I commited in the name of greater ego called nationalism. God was wearied that the person like me may even create splits in the hell and initiate a war and label it in his name creating a barbarious violence. So, my plea to all to let the world universalize. The universe is one therefore ‘uni’ not splited ‘multi’.

My last request to let this nomad rest peacefully. God told that the day world becomes one with no nations and nationalities and no conflicts, you’ll get deliverance. Please! To let my soul in the kingdom of God and to pay respect to me if you have any, let these boundaries dissolve and let the venomous snake of jingoism covered by the moderate word ‘patriotism’ die as soon as possible.

Source: Request for Universalism. (An Appeal from The Tomb)

A dreamer!

“Let your dreams be alive. Don’t bury them within you”

Once in a blue moon, he arrives from nowhere, plays a game, startles the world, make us speechless, creates the history, leaves a legacy and goes nowhere. He just leaves a mark making our heart shiver and boiling every drop of blood in the body.

  He is a sun. Every morning he rises up, scatter the rays, reaches the climax, penetrates the deep rooted belief and sets down. He waits for the moon, giving him the complete power and just observe. Next day, again he rises up to make us sure that he is there. But, that one day is worth a century. He comes just to remind us that there exists that one day.

  He is a dreamer. He dreams of the things that you even don’t dare in your wildest dream. He dreams of the things that were tagged impossible. He comes out with a new passion, a new fire. He knows anybody can give up and he also knows he is not anybody.

He was a freak. A moron. He sounded crazy. He used to be an odd crane. He was called a dumb.

And now, he himself is a history. He is a stone found deep inside the ocean which you’re never gonna reckon. An idiot is now a wise person. A blunt knife, now has a sharp edge.

That nerd 😀

Mr. Dreamer, oh dreamer!!


“It’s a trust that holds you together”

It doesn’t have to be a fully planned trap, neither a fully packed rage. It’s just a word-a single word that can make you apart; that it can be the sole block between you and her. It can shatter the dreams that you were having. It can make you the person, who you never were.

It can change you.

It can metamorphose you.

No, it’s not a revenge. It’s just a single word. The sleepless nights turn into a memory. The countless affection that you have had change into a neutral hatred.

You needn’t to say who you are. It justifies itself. You are having the rage. It’s reflecting in your blinking eyes. It can’t be concealed.

It makes you a rebel. Yes, a single word which you have never imagined to hear, even not in your wildest dream, makes you to do so.

You don’t know the source from where and when , it emerged. But you are very sure, it was from the person whom you trusted most. It was by the person with whom you’ve always dreamt of sharing everything. It was from the one who never was deceptive.

That simple word has the vigorous power to make you move on. You’d never imagined. But it’s real.

Yet, remember you gotta move on.

Go ahead!

Can learning be any cooler?

You learned and you forgot ‘cause you were never learning

The sea of desks and benches; crowded hallways and stairs, plus shitty cafeteria food.

And on top of that, the demarcation of students according to their grades. It would especially suck when you are a regular poor grader. A class full of nerds or a class full of dumb-dumbs. Isn’t your school?

Do you think your school could be any cooler than that? Of course they can because they are to begin with.

Now let us imagine a school where one would want to be. Even though, the words cool and school rhymes, they never go well together, not conventionally. But with a little bit imagination, we might come with some ideas, that might just make your school cool, even though they never will be.

For instance, I would want school that would allow the students to demarcate themselves; a school of freewill where the school provides classes on various subjects and the students only attend the ones they are interested in.

The school of freewill, in my opinion, can sharpen the skill of students, not just make them memorize the bullshits which you are never going to see again. You would feel free to say anything to anybody and not feel sorry. You would discover yourself and act accordingly. The lectures wouldn’t be the sleeping tablet.

You wouldn’t be called a donkey or a monkey. Even though you hear, you would make it more funnier. You wouldn’t be learning the book- instead you would be tearing it into twenty pieces and throw it in dustbin. You would be more creative. You would be a well-educated lion not the well-trained one.

Your school could be a better place.

But, Is that possible?

Yes its possible only if you are a day-dreamer!

Life in each Moment!!

“Live in the life of moment!”

Every time it ticks a second, you are losing a moment- the moment that can’t be called back. You are literally slipping away your life. Life is a compiled book of these numerous moments that may or mayn’t have a connection among one another. But its sureshot that each moment comprises The life within it.

See, the moment that lasts not even for a second has a whole lively life; where you born and die simultaneously. Are these precious moments caught or let slip away? Fine, it’s up to you.

Dare  not to live through the same routine and call it a life. Dare to live in fractions of second. Dare to live millions of life in a lifetime. Every second it passes, you lived a life and you gonna  enjoy another.

Dare to be a firm player!


           “She made me realize that I wasn’t there.”

For my whole life, I chased a butterfly- tried to catch her but everytime I failed.

She came from distant away, roamed around my petals, sat on them and withered me. I thought, I had the power to make her attract towards me. I was wrong- completely wrong. She came to sit on me because she was in need. However, I was immensely pleased at the very moment. Just her momentary sitting arouse me heavenly feelings. I felt as if I was lost in paradise. That eternal joy- I wanted to pack up in a box and close for millions of days to come. I never wanted it to be ceased. I wished to make the butterfly stuck with me forever. But, it never happened.

After a while, she flew away. I tried to run after her but I realized my arms were not long enough to get her. I hadn’t grown up. I saw her flying away flapping her wings- flap flap. I couldn’t help myself but watch her going.

She went and sat on the next flower. I envied it. I wished to uproot it and break into hundred and hundreds of pieces. But I could do nothing.

Once again, I saw her coming towards me. As previously, she sat on me but this time hurriedly. She wrapped herself with my huge colorful petals. Holy Christ, that was the best feeling ever. I knew, she had been attacked by enemy and had come to be saved. Whatsoever the reason was, I was glad that she chose me. And again, she flew away. Once again, she left me with heavy-heart. I, one more time, missed her mocking signal.

After that, she never returned back. I reckon, her swerving had bid a goodbye, which I couldn’t see. One more time, I lost her. I tried to lose myself to be found by her but it remained as a mere wish. Though I lost myself, she didn’t come to search for me.

I closed my eyes not to get a sight of her but I couldn’t close my heart not to feel about her.  All I saw was a butterfly- she remained only as a butterfly!

Lost in society

“You were never born. They never let you to born.”

“Son, who you want to be, when you grow up?”

“Albert Einstein”

“Great doctor”




“Prime minister”

These used to be the replies when we were little kids. We did have different and vast visions.  We didn’t know what doctor means, nor we knew how to be a doctor, but as we saw a doctor dressed in fancy clothes, driving a luxurious car, each time praised by our parents and we made a mindset “I will be a doctor.”

We were the birds flying freely in the open sky. We had great dreams. Really great. We had the eagerness to make man fly in air, to make great discoveries, to earn huge amount of money, to lead the country, to be a great businessman, to be the best soccer. We were unknown to this world.

Whatever we used to see, we didn’t observe, we just saw it without any filter.

But, as we grew up, we became more and more familiar with this wordly living. We became conscious of where we were.

We started to be mature. And then, slowly our dreams narrowed. Although our interests expanded, real interests narrowed. We started to see change. We metamorphosed. We tried to fit in the society. We, then, began to think as the rest thought. We wore, as others were wearing. We listened to the music, which others were listening. We discovered our hobbies as others were having.

We got to know new places, that were visited centuries ago. We saw an old face but didn’t recognize it. We didn’t see a known face in stranger land, rather we saw a stranger face in known land. We followed the others.

Our likes and dislikes were conditioned by others. Anyhow, we made an escape and went to fit timidly in the society. Our dreams changed, aspirations changed. We lost ourselves. We chased through the path, that had been paved by others.

We were not “we”. Neither we were “them”. Tragedy is, we were no one. We were neither at this bank, nor at the other. We were at the middle of a river, on a small boat. Even it was rented. We didn’t have the guarantee of our living. Flood would destroy us anytime.

Time passed so quickly that we even didn’t realize we were changed. We even didn’t get to know where we were standing.

We did, what others said and asked for their own benefits. We became what others wanted to see us. We didn’t take risks. We feared of others. We feared to stand alone. We feared to hear our inner callings. We feared of everything. We were lost-Lost in the society.

And eventually, we saw an old man with white hair in the mirror and realized we played it safe. Life was over.

Then, we just did a single task- regret! Regret of following the crowd blindly, regret of not doing what we could do, regret of not being true to ourselves, regret of craving, regret of not taking risks, regret of playing it safe, regret of choosing.

In a nutshell, we regretted of not living the life that we have always dreamed of. We didn’t live at all. For the whole life, we followed and followed and followed.

And at the deathbed, we made a single wish “I may go back to relive my lost life again.”

Escaping out of maze

I go nearby, face the wall and change the direction. I don’t go further because I am afraid there may be a next wall.

I search for the coins, from which I had made a path. If I find, I return from where I had started. If not, I search and search and search. If I get lucky to return, I begin for next path ’cause I’m obliged not to stay there.

And again I face the wall, solid; rather bigger than before. What I can do. Again return back. Still I don’t lose hope. I march for next. I don’t have hope to leave a trial. Just get the warm rays of sunshine. It will be more.

Needless to say, I’m in a big maze. There are many ways to get out but none of them secures my wayout. However, among them, one is the right path that will help me to get out.

I gotta search for that ‘One’. It is dark everywhere. A single ray of light will be like a white spot on black shirt. It’s very dark. I can’t see anything. I just predict there to be a path and march ahead. If I get lucky, I find a narrow lumen.Otherwise, I get hurt by a bouncy wall and return back. I strive for water but I don’t find anything. Then slowly thirst fades away. My thirst knows well to adapt accordingly. No one is there. I am alone. I ain’t know whether it’s day or light but I’m sure I haven’t died; I am alive ,for, heaven wouldn’t be dark like this.

Even the little smile of angel would lighten up the scenario. My mother used to dictate to me from fairytales when I would get tough to sleep. Oh, I miss her badly now.

There are many choices but I can’t choose even a single one. What a tragedy! I fear. I fear of everything. Even I fear of escaping out of the maze thinking what I will do then. Sometimes, I myself create the fear, stimulates it.

I am living in a feary world, full of fears. And I don’t risk to go ahead. I get stuck to the same place from where I commenced and will end my journey as well. I am trapped. Oh lord! Let me know why only to me!!

I am tired. I’ve searched every path or atleast went through every way. But I haven’t found that “One”. When will I find it?

Where is my holy god? I’ve heard he helps the people in difficulty. Doesn’t he think I am in misery? Is he calling me to heaven or testing my patience?

Whatever he’s doing but I won’t give up easily. I will struggle till my last breathe; till I can feel the blood rushing in my veins; till my heart stops beating; till I find Hercules battling in me. I won’t let the sense of humanity go in vain.

I have come here far away and I ain’t gonna stop. I am not a rebel though, but not less than that. I will prove him wrong. I will grab every breath.

Amidst the darkness, I have come to search for light!

Do problems really exist??

“You never lived in reality. you were wandering in the illusory real-that you never got out through.”

Problems. Well we face everyday, every moment, everywhere.

Noone is free from problems. We are the victims of them. Either we face them or surpass them. In one or other way, we are trapped by the net of problems.

Especially we, teenagers. We are the slave of problems. They are our master. They bind our neck with a flexible rope which we never succeed to break.

A single problem can be the cause of end of someone’s life. A person may suicide. That single problem may be the loss of everything. It takes away rest. It takes away smile from someone’s face. It is the cause of every misery. It seizes your precious time, which you would be enjoying.

In a nutshell, problems never let you live freely. It has the power to move you. Probably in the negative direction. It’s a never ending process. It just ignites a spark, and you kindle the fire. Then it burns faster than you have imagined.

Now you’re compelled to add more just like a priest adding ghee in Hawan enchanting mantra swaha 😉 (not intended to hurt feelings though

But let me ask you, Do theproblems really exist?? Are they real?

Everybody is facing problems and how dare I to question about their reality! Probably you are thinking crazy about me.

But, yeah, there is no doubt that problems are real but I say, the perception we have about their reality may be imaginative. May be problems do not exist. Maybe our mind is a factory which creates problem. Maybe problems are illusion.

The most common and chronic problem of we, teenagers- relationship problem.

Since they say love is blind, not to say much :p. but still. Breakup has been a common issue. After they are separated, they don’t feel hungry. They distant themselves from family, relatives, so that they can forget each other. They lack concentration. And they feel insomnia.

Overall speaking, they are affected badly. And to this, we call it a problem. Have you ever scrutinized this issue deeply? If you do, you will find no any problem. It’s just an illusion. We live in illusion.

That boy is not only a boyfriend. Simultaneously, he is a son of parents; friend of friends; a student in school; may be an employee; and a citizen as well. The problem occurs when he forgets his every other role and just thinks he is boyfriend.

Where is boyfriend? –only in his mind, nowhere else. Suppose all his memories related to that girl are erased; he doesn’t have any past of her; he is blank about her, will he still love her if he meets her next time? Probably not. Now she will only be an ordinary girl. Nothing more.

Thus, problem lies with memory. Memory is the real problem. However memory can’t be faded away. If we realize, problem is the outcome of feeling and feeling, the result of past; then where is our problem?? Beneath the leg or above the head?

We are just stuck to an illusion. An illusion which shadows the reality, and acts real. Instead of searching for man, we search the shadow which will only be seen in day/moonlight.

Let’s get out of the trap and make it new. Be a tree; branches may be swinging but the trunk is still rigid. Help the branches to swing with right amplitude!

We are the evil light in glowing shadows.

But, have we been acquaintance to it?